Poruri Sai Rahul

I am the Head of Software at SoftCircuits Labs.. Previously, I was a Senior Scientific Software Developer at Enthought. I'm currently living and working in Hyderabad, India. Earlier, I worked for Enthought in Pune and Chennai in India and Cambridge in the UK. I also spent close to an year in Austin, Texas, USA. I graduated with a Dual Degree (B.S. & M.S.) in Physics from IIT Madras, Chennai, India.

A few projects that I worked in the past are mapping the locations of institutes and labs that pursue astronomical research around the world and a network graph of institutes based on authors and their publications.

I also worked on a number of astronomy and physics related projects over my college life, projects that helped me appreciate the Python programming language and programming in general, which you can find on my Github profile. You can also find them in the Projects page.

I also like to occassionally ramble, which you can read about on my blog. I am @rahulporuri on Twitter and you can email me at rahul.poruri@gmail.com. I am also on Mastodon

NOTE: If this layout feels familiar to you, it's because I lifted the layout straight out of Bootstrap